Taylor Pesavento

Taylor Pesavento's Fundraiser

Help Taylor Raise Money for Chances And Services For Youth! image

Help Taylor Raise Money for Chances And Services For Youth!

Join me and help make a difference, please give today.


$790 towards $10,000

I'm thrilled to be part of this year's Dancing with the Terre Haute Stars fundraiser! As a longtime attendee, taking part in the event is a dream come true. It's an honor to support Chances and Services for Youth, an organization close to my heart. Knowing that every dollar raised will benefit the children and mentors in Terre Haute fills me with joy. Chances' dedication to families in the Wabash Valley is inspiring, and I'm proud to play a role in their mission. Together, we're making a difference in the lives of our community's future leaders.

Join me in supporting real change. Let’s support good in the world and make a difference. Help us to ensure that every youth has the opportunity to grow up safe and healthy in a nurturing community. for Chances And Services for Youth Inc

Just a small donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal for Chances and Services for Youth Inc